How Many Cushions Will Fit in a Deck Box?

When I saw this question pop up, I didn’t know how to respond. There is no one answer to this question. That doesn’t mean I won’t try my very best ...
All About Deck Boxes a.k.a. Outdoor Storage Boxes

I decided we needed something that could stay outside to hold our spare cushions. So what do we do? We do our research on outdoor storage and figure out the ...
How to Fix Garden Shed Floor?

The floor of a garden shed is one of the most important parts of the building. It provides structural stability. If it’s damaged, it can be a safety hazard. You’ll ...
How Many Sheds Can I Have in My Backyard?

There are plenty of reasons to have more than one shed in your yard. How many sheds you can have in your backyard is determined by many variables, including zoning ...
Do Sheds Add Value to Your Property?

Sheds might seem insignificant to many homeowners, but there are a lot of advantages to having them on your property. Sheds add value to your property if they are well-maintained, ...
Do Metal Sheds Get Hot? (Answered)

Metal sheds get hot because they are excellent conductors of heat and therefore absorb heat from the sun. The inside of an enclosed metal shed can get dangerously hot in ...
Deck Skirting – On a Budget

Deck skirting can run on the expensive side, but you can save money if you are okay with repurposing things you already have available or just taking a DIY approach. ...
Best Garden Plants for Hay Fever Sufferers

If you’re allergic to pollen, you may have worse symptoms in springtime when the air is full of pollen from newly sprouting plants and trees. You may also experience symptoms ...
Metal vs. Plastic Rake – Rake Those Leaves!

When the leaves start falling from the trees, there will be a lot to rake. It’s a landslide of leaves that just won’t stop – and I now live in ...
Do Mosquito Foggers Work? (Answered)

Mosquitos. If you live in a semi-damp place with warm weather, you know what they are. We all hate those annoying little creatures sucking our blood, buzzing in our ears, ...